(Deep Breath) OK, So my mother-in-law is a frequent reader to my blog and noticed that I posted a few guest pen cups in the past (going out to a friend or family member and shooting their pens.) Fun idea and it changes things up a bit. I knew she had a cup at her house that at some point I wanted to get to and here it is.
When we all gathered together for Christmas this year, I was a little confused when I opened up a perfectly wrapped box and this cup was sitting in the bottom staring at me. My first reaction was "great, she brought the cup so I can shoot it" then my wife slapped me in the head and let me know it was actually a gift...for me...to keep. (Another.Deep.Breath.)
I haven't done anything other than stare at it for the past month. It's been sitting on my desk like an out of place shiny gem in a pile of old rocks.
I lied...I inked the Meisterstück. I had some burgundy ink that was a perfect match, and there was a Waterman roller ball that is not in the photos that I use as well.
I won't go into the details on each pen. I will use that for my daily posts as I put these into rotation. I don't know if the decision to give this gift was a difficult one or not but I am still trying to figure out how to thank her properly for this. Sometimes putting something in a box and handing it to someone else to keep is much more than a gift. Good Pens.
Wow, now that was really nice of her! Looking forward to the reviews...might be a good way to thank her is to restart her with a nice new pen.
That is a very fancy pen cup! What a thoughtful gift. Guess your mother-in-law likes you!
I am so touched by her gesture - I'm almost speechless. To her, it might have been nothing to give the cup of pens away, but the gesture may have been enough to change someone's life. You are blessed - and please be sure to tell her I said that she's Awesome.
Be sure to keep every implement, and then when it's time, gift them away in turn. :o)
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Happy New Year!
That whole collection is beautiful. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the history of each pen! Such a nice gift!
I guess you need to write her a thank you letter in a nice burgundy ink.
Great story Seth, and a really special gift!
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