Thursday, August 6, 2020

Wait, are we still blogging?

I have been dying to pass along the story of how I got an amazing chicken cordon bleu recipe...kidding.  So, I still use a pen and I still have lots of paper.  And- I still can somewhat create sentences that sometimes make a little sense.  So- it is time to crank up the part of the brain that is the rustiest.  Where have I been?  Living.  Tightly, in a bubble as most reasonable people are- and that end in sight thing keeps changing its target.  So, we buy pens, we buy ink.  We create shitty reviews.  It is what we do. 

In my strange way of deciding what pens I am going with for the day, I sometimes feel the need to stick with one pen,  for the day, for the week...until I kill all of the ink inside of it and THEN I can move on to a new pen. This Jetstream Uni .38 makes me feel this way. Then it would make me feel bad that it is out of ink and I would have to buy more.  

It's near perfect, thin, light, consistent.  I don’t have a writing sample on this.  Why?

1.  I am not even sure the lights are still on in this blog. 

2.  I have had enough caffeine to jumpstart a 72 Cadillac and I might be a touch shaky. (coffee jokes, ugh)

3.  yeah, only 2. Sorry.

I am not saying I am back.  That would lead to me disappearing again for 3 years. I am just saying I have a ton of cool pens I should talk about. 

Cheers.  Missed you. 

Moonman AKA The Camry

OK,  Camry MIGHT be a little bit of a stretch comparison.   Low cost and will run forever.  The Moonman M2 is a super fun Chines...