There are a ton of these floating around my office lately. Empty shells. I hate to throw them away, so they sit in a pile. The reason for it is... that I have a few really nice roller balls that I don't feel like ordering expensive refills for and I am pretty sure I will not like how they write once I get them in the pen anyway. There is no way I am the first to do this, but damn if the guts from a G-2's (and Sarasa's) don't fit right into some of my Watermans without any cutting or adjusting.. Yippee Skippy!
So, a once ignored Waterman shell gets the cheap treatment with a refill from my Sarasa .4. Suddenly I have a pen that looks expensive and writes like a dream and no one is the wiser. I love when a pen can go from a drawer to the desk and stays there.
So if you have a stale pen sitting around, grab your old pens and give it a try. I have a bunch of EARLY (and I mean early) ballpoints that I want to do the same this to, unfortunately, it's not just an even swap but I will keep you updated. See you tomorrow from sunny Florida.
I've been doing this for years, using a goo, but inexpensive refill of one brand in the shell of another, sometimes more expensive pen shell. Or I'll swap out the 0.7mm refill for a 0.5mm or 0.38mm refill from another manufacturer. It's a good way of getting a better pen.
I have a lot of the colored G2s. I love them, but the retractable part wobbles when I write. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it just bugs me! Whenever I want to use them for a long period of writing, I always stick one color in my Dr. Grip body, and one in a Waterman roller ball body. They write much smoother, and I'm not as annoyed.
Have a great week!
I've been looking at some major modifications to try and fit something nice into my Waterman Expert or My Lamy Studio...not sure if it is going to work.
Good luck on the new layout!
I love that tip! I have a Waterman that needs a new refill and have been putting off buying one. If the bulk of my pens weren't under the bed (ack, pure shame I know) I would be trying this right now.
Regarding the Sarasa, I believe only what JetPens calls the "Push Clip Gel Ink" refills can fit in a Waterman. Not the refills that come in the standard Sarasa.
JP only sells that refill in black, blue and red. If other colors are made, I don't where to get them. So, it seems that one can't use all the cool and unusal colors Sarasa pens come in for a Waterman. Too bad or am I wrong?
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