Pacifiers do make good pen holders. It's true.
Wow, I don't think that I have ever been more on the fence over a pen than with this one. The nib just throws me off a bit and believe me, I have written with every kind of nib (almost) known to mankind. I am pretty sure this was a Target purchase that has been sitting in my pen cup filled but unused for a while. I thought that I didn't have a use for it till I picked up an envelope (nice paper) to test this and it actually flowed pretty nicely and in all CAPS turned out okay for me.
The thins are just a little to thick to do any seriously nice work, but I could use this for Christmas cards or to write that letter to my neighbor asking them if they wouldn't mind peeling that Scott Brown sticker off of their car. (seriously, we get it.) It just sort of feels like a cheaper version of this pen and I would much rather use that one. (Because I friggin love it.)
So let's not dwell on time or timing. I know I need to blog more. Thanks for the support/emails and kind works on Twitter and Facebook. I am going to go pen shopping right now so I have some fresh new stuff to bring to the game. Oh, and I have a journal or two and some new inks, so stay tuned. Oh, and why not, let's do a giveaway this week.
This is interesting, because mine flows terribly and is very dry, even when seeing frequent use. It's not from just sitting in the pen cup that mine is bad. It's scratchy on the paper and the ink is very pale - not like the colors you seem to be showing here.
I'll chalk it up to bad quality control but I would never buy this pen again based on my own experience with it.
Kim, I am all about free trade. If you have something fun you want a review on or want to get rid of, let me know. I am happy to clean this one up and get it over to you to try out.
I had to take mine out of my pen cup and see if my ink was as nice as yours seemed to be, yes it is. I like these pens mostly for addressing envelopes and cards, I just buy blank cards and write the appropriate message. It was your blog that gave me the idea of writing down good quotes, I keep a Rhodia pad on my desk just for that, thanks.
My Plumix pens (I bought 2 at Target last week in Buffalo NY) are both very dry and scratchy. Other Pilot fp's i have, such as Varsity, are great. I changed to Lamy ink in one pen, no improvement. Any suggestions to get these to flow better and write easier? thanks. FP user from Canada.
I have a Pluminix and a Plumix calligraphy set (a friend found it in France). The performance of my pens varies, the same nib writes crappy or smooth as butter depending of the kind of ink, cleaning, sometimes nothing matters.
I've transplanted a nib on a Prera and ever since I've had no problems, so I'm guessing there is something weird with the original feed.
It was fun to know that pacifier can make a good use for pens.
Oh I so love the penmanship.Just like my brother's.
I will ask my aunts for the pacifier of my nieces so I can use it like you did.Thanks for this cute idea.
My sister-in-law was laughing of the thought of using the pacifiers for pen's holder.Nice.
Nice pacifiers.Pink!
Nice pacifiers.Pink!
No one else seems to have said it, but great calligraphy too!
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