Going through some of the fountain pen blogs and reading some of the comments that people write about their pens kinda drives me nuts. Maybe it's a personal thing, but pens to me were never meant to be put in a box and never inked or drooled on. I suppose if all I had to do was burn money--- I would buy pens and forget I had them... but I don't see why people do it. If it's art, then call it art and not a pen. I'll write with my pens.
This Cross likes to write as well. Fat, long and full of inky goodness and the weight of this monster reminds me that it is in my pocket or jacket and I appreciate that. The gold nib and chrome body isn't my favorite combo but Cross can get away with it somehow. While I admit I do have a few pens that I don't take out of the house....I still ink them up and write with them. It's more me knowing that I could always lose a pen and there are a few that I do not want to lose.
I might have used this quote before. It's one of my favorites. Doing some research about Mr. Maslow I learned that he married a woman named Bertha. That's no big deal except for the fact that she was his first cousin. Did you know it's legal in all 50 states to marry your SECOND cousin? Hmmm. It might be me, but I always felt that the last place to look for a hot date/future wife is at your family reunion. Of course there's a website http://www.cousincouples.com/?page=states in case you are curious.
Here's the giveaway. The usual rules: Leave a comment on this post and I will come up with a silly yet completely random way to determine which number wins the 24 pack of Sharpies. As always, there could be a bonus prize if you make me laugh so hard I spit my morning ceral on my keyboard. You have till Monday at noon to leave a comment.
Good luck and thanks for reading.
Another Maslow quote for you:
"A first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting."
I say: "A second-rate pen in the pocket is more useful than a first-rate pen in the drawer."
Totally agree that pens are meant to be used. I also have a Cross Townsend and enjoy writing with it.
As I'm under the influence (insomnia) I won't even try to be funny. Thanks for the colorful eye candy and the chance to bite it too.
Nice giveaway! A pack of Sharpies is infinitely more useful for writing than a pack of Shar-peis.
I also have a cross townsend, which I love. I don't take it out of the house much, but I love writing with it at home!
But I wasn't struck on the crome/gold thing either, which is why mine is beautiful and blue! :)
Sharpies!! I've been needing to buy new sharpies for ages... every sharpie doodle I do has a very awkwardly limited color palate.
If I were to win a rainbow pack of Sharpies (R), I'd keep them unopened in a drawer... until my cousin Denise came over.
Oooh ooh I want to be entered into the contest...
Wow, beautiful pen. Mine are rotated on a weekly basis, so nothing that expensive that I would want to kill myself if I loose it.
I know my cousin, Amy, likes Sharpies. If I win the Sharpies, I will proposition my cousin to hook up and blame it on a pen blog. "I know I haven't seen you in three years, but Seth, from Goodpens, selected me as the winner for this pack of markers. So, here they are. Now, let's knock some boots."
My wife was just looking at a multi pack of Sharpies at Office Max tonight. This would be a great gift for her.
Who can pass up a sharpie...much less free sharpies!!! Yay!
PS, you should swing by my blog too...I am giving away a handcrafted cocobolo cigar pen (http://norskwoodshop.blogspot.com).
I do enjoy a good a sharpie.
" It's not the size of the Sharpie, it's how you use it "
Those fine tip Sharpies would certainly put to good use, kind sir. Good use indeed... ;)
According to the prophecy, I should win this contest! haha!
bikeohio2010 (at) gmail (dot) com
i ran out of funny... my refill order hasn't arrived yet so I'll just say "pretty please"... :)
Thanks for the chance!
There once was a blogger named Arpie (that'd be me)
who desperately wanted the Sharpie(s)
She wanted to rhyme
but ran out of time
so here is a link to good jarpie (which totally is not pronounced similar to sharpie, but in my head I always read it like that anyway)
Link to the nom: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2009/09/single-serving-pie-in-jar.html
I guarantee these won't stay in the box :D
1. I can use one of these baby's to fill out my Johnny Depp moustache.
2. Sharpies smell good.
3. I can embrace my inner gangstah and start up a taggin crew.
4. I can create cool colored drawings and sell them on the interwebs.
5. I can sell them on the street corner for a whopping profit.
6. Sharpies smell good.
7. I can finally be excepted by my geek peers.
8. When I was a boy my mother refused to by me a a crayon 64 pack, subsequently leading to life of petty crime and misery.
9. My whole life I have been yearning for a sense of completion and wholeness, these pens will complete me.
10. They say the Buddha had a pack of Sharpies such as these.
Fine point vibrant hues
Doodling meaning in my world
Full pack of Sharpies
I love sharpies!
Two fish are in a tank. One fish turns to the other and says, "You man the gun. I'll drive."
I hope that made you laugh. Sharpies please?
I live for Sharpies. Nothing like the smell of sharpies in the morning, better than coffee.
I go through Sharpies like there is no tomorrow!
Ooh, I love sharpies actually anything pen related but especially the colors of sharpies.
What makes the sound "Vroom Skreech, Vroom Skreech?" . . . A blonde at a flashing red light.
Ok, Ok blonde jokes are lame. When I was pregnant my husband joked that I left footprints in the cement and that I caused the car to tilt to one side. His coworkers looked at him like he was mad when he repeated it to them but I thought it was hilarious : ) Our son ended up being 11lbs at birth.
am i too late?? maybe not in pacific time.
sorry im not funny. :(
I'll try a late entry...
should be used!
ooohhh! what is it about a shiny new package of sharpies? must be the grown folks version of a new box of crayons? great give-away!
Oh I want to have or own sharpies.Where could I buy that?wquegoea
The tool will be an amazing gift for my brother who loves an d whose really good in lettering writing/arts.
My brother owns a tool like that.And its very precious to him,he won't let me touch it.SO strict.
I was actually fooled by it.Once I've thought it was a pen but nahh my brother said how stupid of me to see his tool in arts as a pen.LOL.
My classmates were jealous seeing my brother giving me a gift like this tool.
I like to receive sharpies from anyone.LOL.
Words create life, art, motion and beauty wherever there is a reader. Rosemarie Kowalski
Pens are to be used.
Have a great day
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