There are about 10,000 proper reviews of this pen out there, so I will not go into a ton of details, but in general, this pen just flat out rocks. Last night I watched The Inside Man again, I love how that movie all comes together with a little surprise, and timing. This pen sort of does that with a little less Clive Owen. A nice combo package of good ink, nice point and comfortable grip.
I am pretty sure with this pen and a good Parker 51 fountain pen I could use just two pens for a very long time. Ok, that was a flat out lie. Sorry. I need my pens. Jetpens does a great job of keeping these in stock and at a nice price.
At first I thought a 03 might be a little to fine for me for daily writing, but it's really not. It's a perfect point size and can get away with a fine line without digging into the paper. If I still used a day planner, I am sure this would be my go to. Now it's just one I grab anytime I need a good fine tip. Good Pen!
A nice entertaining post as usual! :) Still fascinated with seeing the various props you use to photograph with, it is always fun to wait and see what you will come up with.
Nice, thanks for the comment!
I'd still rate the Pentel Slicci line above the Hi-Tec but I have been putting my Hi-Tec 0.4 in 'yellow ocher' to very good use of late.
Thank you for your fine blog.
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