Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Uni-ball Vision RT bargain bucket

As always, click for better views.....When I go to Staples, I usually head to the bargain table. I just scan through the pen aisle because I tend to just see the usual suspects and move on. Last time, in the clearance bucket was a ton of pens, so I grabbed a handful and headed to the checkout without really seeing what I had.

Turns out, I got a bunch of these and a few pretty cool mechanical pencils that I will review later. But this pen was a little bit of a surprise to me. So far, no skips, blobs, or messes, the point looks like it's somewhere around a .6 and the ink is nice and black. I think the RT might stand for "retractable tip" because when the clip is opened, it retracts into the pen. Or I could be an idiot and it means something else like righteous tip, regal tamale, renegade tomboy, who knows. But anyway...the mystery remains.

I have been using this on my 3 x 5 cards and they make a nice combo. It's a Good Pen. It looks like retail was around 2.99 so for my .50 it was also a Good Buy.
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1 comment:

Nrepose said...

Good pen! The ink is supposed to be impervious to almost anything. Nr

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