Crack..."Man down, Man Down!...Medic! Mediiiiic!" Ok, maybe it was not that dramatic... but yes, I have had 2 broken pens in two weeks. My beloved eyedropper Preppy sadly is no more.
There was a note left on my desk: It went a like this:
"Dear Seth, you have asked too much of me for too long. I am a cartridge filled pen that lives on the edge of being a disposable, but you made me into something I cannot stand up to with your crazy silicon grease and your syringes. I am not a Parker 51 or Waterman designed to live through the stress and through years of punishment, I am a little Japanese flower that must be treated carefully. Sadly, I can put up with you no longer and I am leaving you. My ink is on your hands (literally, insert Nelson from The Simpsons saying "Ha Ha" here) Signed: Preppy
After the autopsy, I found a little crack through the body that was enough to allow air in and out. I have not thought about bringing this one back yet. I have another body that fits from a sign pen, but I like that sign pen. Good bye Preppy. Stay tuned as I sort this one out. will be missed.
Ouch. This would be the thing that keeps me from wanting to make any of my pens into eyedroppers. I've yet to break any barrels, but if I did, I wouldn't want it to end up leaking all over the place. Especially with that much ink in it.
Since this is a cartridge pen, why not just fill the cartridge??
Cue funeral music. :(
Sorry about your pen. I know what it's like when one of my favorite pens break or aren't refillable.
My condolences. I wondered if that was too good to be true? I'll let you in on a little secret...I refill the cartridges!
Just to clarify what might be confusing about my above comment...
When I say "might be too good to be true" I meant a great little inexpensive fountain pen that you can turn into an eyedropper.
I heart Pilot Preppy's. It is so comfortable and writes every time I pick it up and on all kinds of paper. It also is pretty good about not bleeding through paper.
There's my eulogy for your Preppy. It took one for the team.
I am sorry for your loss. Ha. I will be gentle with my preppy's!
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